Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
The Local Control Funding Formula replaces California's nearly half-century-old, state controlled school finance system with one that promises more local control as well as greater transparency and fairness.
Under the new system, districts will receive a uniform base grant for every district, adjusted by grade level. In addition districts will receive funds for Unduplicated Students which are students with greater educational needs, defined as low income, English learner and foster youth students.
Base Grant Funding Student Groups
Districts will receive Supplemental Funds which equates to an additional 20 percent of the base grant based in proportion to the number of unduplicated students enrolled in a district. Districts will receive Concentration Funds when the District's Unduplicated Student equates to more than 55 percent of the total District's enrollment.
Calculation of Average Daily Attendence (ADA) Funding
Districts are required to expand or improve services for high-needs students in proportion to the additional funding that these students bring to the district. The money must be spent on school-wide and district-wide programs.
Districts must adopt a Local Control ad Accountability Plan (LCAP), after soliciting suggestions from teachers, parents and the community, and update it annually.
The plan must spell out the district's goal for improving student outcomes according to ten priorities set by the state, and align spending to meet the goals. Districts that fail to meet their goals and improve student outcomes will recieve assistance from county officials of education and through a new agency, the California Collaborative for Educational Execellence.
California 10 state priorities