Summative ELPAC

The Summative ELPAC is administered each year between February 1 - May 31.  English Learners take this assessment annually until they reclassify as a Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP).  The Summative ELPAC measures a student’s English proficiency by assessing oral language consisting of listening and speaking along with written language consisting of reading and writing.  The results of these areas identify how developed a student’s English skills are in the four domains.  The graphics below highlight the breakdown by domain and grade level for the Summative ELPAC.

Summative ELPAC Listening
Summative ELPAC Speaking
Summative ELPAC Reading
Summative ELPAC Writing

Upon completion of the Summative ELPAC, scores will be provided to the student’s parents electronically through the parent portal.  Below is a sample score report.


Summative ELPAC Aeries Report
Summative ELPAC Score Report