Medical Administration
Medication Administration Protocol
The administration of medication to students shall be done only in exceptional circumstance, wherein the child’s health may be jeopardized without it, and ONLY WHEN SUCH ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN REQUESTED AND APPROVED BY THE STUDENT’S Parent and Physician.
Educational codes 49423 and 49480 make it possible for the school nurse, health assistant, or other designated personnel to help you carry out your Physician’s orders.
Medical Protocol
- All signed Physician’s recommendation form must be on file for medication given at school. There can be no distinction given to over-the-counter medications.
- ALL medication must be given from the prescription bottle or vial. Absolutely no medication will be dispensed that has been sent in any other container, such as plastic bags, etc.
- For short-term episodic medication, five days or less, witnessed phone verification from the physician may be accepted.
- School personnel may not dispense medication that has been sent to school with a written request by the parent, that has not been verified by a physician.
- No medication will be given without the dosage schedule time and amount that is to be given included on the prescription label.
- Although a school medication form is preferred the school will honor verification written by the physician on any form he/she chooses to use, as long as the time schedule and dosage is on it.
- Students observed by school personnel administering unauthorized medication to themselves will be reported to their parents, and medication will be confiscated.
- All medication should be delivered to the health office by an adult, and should not be brought in by a student.
- All medication not claimed will be disposed of at the end of the school year.
Medication Administration
The Temple City Unified School District requires that all students who need medication during school hours do the following:
- Present a written statement from the student’s physician detailing the method, amount, and time schedules for the taking of the medication.
- Present a written statement from the student’s parent/guardian requesting the district to assist the student in taking the prescribed medication.
- Bring medication in the ORIGINAL BOTTLE, PROPERLY LABELED.
Students MAY NOT CARRY medication on their person or keep it in their backpack, locker, desk, etc. unless requested in writing by their physician.
If you have any questions please contact the Health Office at your child’s school.
Disaster Medication Consent
Disaster Medication Consent Letter
The Temple City Unified School District recognizes that there is always the possibility of a major disaster/earthquake in our area and is concerned about the health and welfare of our students in such an event. Each of our sites has formulated a disaster plan to protect those in our care and has had practice drills so both staff and students will know what to do.
Another very real concern to us is the health of those students who require daily medication, e.g., diabetes, seizure, asthma, or cardiac medications, to maintain an adequate level of functioning during this time.
We would like to be of assistance to your child’s school, if such an emergency occur. We suggest sending the following to the school health office:
- Disaster medication consent form signed by you and your child’s physician (attached).
- A 3-day supply of medication in an appropriately labeled container (see medication consent form for details).
At the end of the school year the medication will be returned to you. No medication will be carried from one school year to another.