Growing Nutrition

You can Grow Nutrition at Home!Garden

Starting a garden is a great way to make nutrition tangible. Food gardening allows you to see, touch, smell and taste "nutrition". A garden is also an excellent way to learn about the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables. Gardens can help you gain a better understanding and appreciation for the environment.

Gardens produce results you that can see, touch and taste. Children are eager to try the "fruits" of their labor. There is nothing like the taste of fresh and flavorful vegetables you have grown yourself!

Eat Your Vegetables! Research in children's food preferences indicates that simple exposure to a food will enhance willingness to try it. Familiarity tends to increase the perception that a food tastes good. Children also like to eat foods eaten by those they admire.

Parents find that children involved in gardening projects are more interested in nutrition and food labels. It is an excellent opportunity to help them understand the importance of eating different colored fruits and vegetables, and how they will help them to stay healthy.

Gardens come in different flavors. There are a lots of ways to start a garden and lots of different kinds of gardens you can start. There are raised bed gardens, greenhouse gardens, garden plots, and even container gardens. Container gardens can be as simple as a single pot, to planters, troughs, or wheel barrels. Plant some flowers too! You don't need much to start a garden!

Great for the family. Gardens are a great way to spend time with your kids and teach them about the importance of planning, preparation & caring for something that will reward them for a job well done.