Reclassification Process

First page of the PDF file: 24-25ReclassifictionCritieria2_1

Students identified as English Learners are annually assessed in their acquisition of English through a variety of methods. The Reclassification Matrix identifies the 4 criteria that need to be met in order for a student to be identified as Reclassified-Fluent English Proficient. While the California Department of Education (CDE) defines the areas of the 4 criteria in Education Code 313 (f), districts have local control as to how some of the criteria 2-4 are measured. CDE has mandated criterion 1 of an overall ELPAC score of 4 as the minimum needed, but has currently left criteria 2-4 up to LEAs to define. TCUSD has developed the EL Reclassification Matrix as part of the EL Master Plan in conjunction with our DELAC and EL Coordinators. The TCUSD Board of Education adopts the EL Master Plan annually.