ELPAC Program
Currently, the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the mandated state test for determining English language proficiency (ELP). It must be given to students whose primary language is one other than English. California and federal law require that local educational agencies administer a state test of ELP to eligible students in kindergarten—or year one of a two-year kindergarten program, also referred to as transitional kindergarten—through grade twelve. The ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards and is comprised of two separate ELP assessments: The Initial ELPAC and the Summative ELPAC.
Initial ELPAC test (taken once)
Students who are new to the State of California will need to take the Initial ELPAC test within 30 days of their enrollment. Results from this test will be used to determine a student's Language Fluency and appropriate support.
- Families who enroll over the Summer will schedule a time to test at the District Office.
- Students who are enrolled during the school year will be tested at their school site. There is no need to schedule an appointment
Summative ELPAC (taken annually)
All students who are determined to be part of the English Learner community will take the Summative ELPAC in the Spring at their school. There is no need to schedule an appointment. Results from this test will be used to continue language support and eligibility towards reclassification.
ELPAC Starting Smarter for Families
In order to assist parents/guardians in supporting their children’s acquisition of English, the California Department of Education (CDE), in collaboration with Educational Testing Service, launched a website aimed at helping families understand the ELPAC assessment system:
The family-focused website provides resources to facilitate parents’/guardians’ understanding of the scores presented on their child’s Student Score Reports. Using these websites, families can become involved in their child’s educational progress and:
- Learn more about the performance areas in each domain.
- See sample test questions.
- Prepare for parent-teacher conferences.
- Access high-quality resources to support learning at home.