4 – Extends and Applies (not on the kindergarten report card)
Students show not only an in-depth understanding of grade level standards on a consistent basis, but also extend and apply the standard to complete assignments. Students demonstrate with a high degree of accuracy and application of skills as measured through various measures and opportunities during the grading period.
3 – Meets Standards (in kindergarten - “3” is meets or exceeds)
A “3” indicates proficient understanding of the concepts and grade level expectations for the standards at that point of time in the school year. A “3” indicates that the student is right where she or he should be and is meeting the standard..
2 – Approaching Standards
Grades at this level indicate that students have a partial understanding of grade level concepts. A “2” represents basic understanding. Performance may be inconsistent or emerging at that point in time during the school year.
1 – Below Standards
A “1” shows that students have a minimal understanding of the grade level concept at that point in the school year. Performance is inconsistent even with support. Students may need additional interventions to learn concepts important to the grade level.